• Francisco Bravo

Project - 11/30/2016

Pylogic is a project that aims to provide tools for the logical paradigm. Currently it supports the use of cases/facts, which establishes relationships between the arguments it associates; knowledge bases, which are built from cases of a certain arity and allows consultation of related cases (responding in a true/false fashion or, in case of using the _ symbol, a list of answers that match the query). Examples:

base = KnowledgeBase(2)
def parent(father, son):
parent("bob", "tim")
base.tally(_, "tim") <- [("bob", "tim")]

It’s planned for the future the addition of predicates, that will provide the use of more conditions/filters. For more information you can visit the project!

Francisco Bravo
Personal Information - 11/30/2016

I’m Francisco Bravo, developer from Buenos Aires, Argentina, currently studying in the software engineering degree at the UTN (forth year). I’m familiar with a variety of languages, of which I’ve focused more on Python, Elixir, C and Ruby; but I’m really open and willing to learn/focus on others. I also have experience with SQL databases, mainly postgresql and sql server; and a little with No-SQL databases, such as mongodb, arangodb and redis. In this page you will find information about my personal projects and personal information for contact.

Framework Search
Project - 11/30/2016

Framework Search is a website designed in Python using the Django framework. It serves as a small search engine for the different frameworks available, providing filter options like selection of environment the apply, the languages they cover, a like/favourite system and others. For each framework in its database, fws provides a small description of its functionality, latest version (some might be outdated, but it covers until mid 2016). Finally, it provides a link to the homepage of the framework in question. There’s currently a forum in development with the intention of growing a community around fws-search, letting them write posts for anyone to read, message between users, view their liked/faved frameworks. There’s also pending an update in the client-side functionality of the website.