Elmish Front

Project - 08/22/2017

Elmish Front is a basic SPA example built using Elm lang. Its purpose is to demonstrate the capabilities of the Elm lang for client side behaviour, such as event handling, JSON decoding/encoding, handling HTTP requests/response and others. It’s designed for the use with a Rails backend and some specific models. In particular, it handles JSON objects like:

    1. Response:
 { "status":"someStatus", "message":"someMessage", "comment":"someComment" } 
    1. Article:
 { "id":"1", "title":"someTitle", "text":"someText", "comments":[{ "id":1, "commenter":"someCommenter", "body":"someBody" }] } 

You can check out the front here!

Also checkout @Mel-A’s stuff, as she is a collaborator of this project!