Sobot is a bot for telegram which provides great functionality for personal usage. It allows the definition of !commands to serve custom responses from the bot, this is particularly useful when you need to recall some specific data. Currently, it supports personal usage, with groups functionality soon to be added as well as the definition of commands per each user. To use the bot, first you need to wake him up!
Elmish Front is a basic SPA example built using Elm lang. Its purpose is to demonstrate the capabilities of the Elm lang for client side behaviour, such as event handling, JSON decoding/encoding, handling HTTP requests/response and others. It’s designed for the use with a Rails backend and some specific models. In particular, it handles JSON objects like:
- Response:
{ "status":"someStatus", "message":"someMessage", "comment":"someComment" }
- Article:
{ "id":"1", "title":"someTitle", "text":"someText", "comments":[{ "id":1, "commenter":"someCommenter", "body":"someBody" }] }
Socketpy is a tool, currently in development, which tries to ease the use of sockets and the definition of structs in C. For this, it provides a set of commands: config, help, create, flush, delete, route, deconfig, reset, embed, compile, decompile.
[sudo] socketpy config
socketpy create socketpy
socketpy create model model_name attribute_type:attribute_name
socketpy compile
For more information you can visit the project!
Codecom is a project built in elixir with academic purposes. It lets the user compare files in order to find code matches, which means a code “steal” (copy-paste); it supports the comparison of directory trees as well. It provides a simple interface for use in any terminal, needing only the paths to the files/directories and the option of analysis to make. Currently it’s published in Hex but it’s in an early alpha stage. Usage:
mix -f /path/to/file1.rb /path/to/file2.rb
mix -d /path/to/directory1 /path/to/directory2
For more information you can visit the project!